Monday, September 3, 2012

New Photos of Me



Why do some people have more impact in their emotions when they have less cut?

For Bed

That's too bad because I was wearing them to bed to muffle the music.

Ear Plugs

I found I shouldn't wear ear plugs because they give me pimples and I'd need too many clean ones.

Not Waning to Get Along

Do you ever have the feeling people don't want to get along?

New Videos of Me

New YouTube Channel


Hm...  I don't remember so well.  I think they|it was more serious, reminiscent of being in a yellowish setting and about bills|money.

My mom was talking to me this morning before I went to bed and mentioned money|bills.  So, this time, it was almost like I was holding some money|bills, feeling serious, kinda like being in a light house, too.  We visited the oldest continuing city in the U.S., where we used to live, in northeastern Florida, and there's a lighthouse there.  It's not by a crashing sea, though.  It's even hard to remember if it was by the water, but it must have been.


I just get so shocked to hear people suggest curse words.


So people want me to feel that they truly have prestige over me, totally.

Why me, why this?

Good Explosions!

Do you like explosions like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean?  I saw 3 first.

What's going on?

Why are people surrounding me and stimulating people I look up to?

My Situation

Some people don't seem to know what situation I come from.


Some social type workers are rude.

Being Mean to Me

Supposedly people can't help cursing.

Also, though, unsuspecting people have been overly forward with me.

Disciplining Me

People are only fascinated with disciplining me for being critical.


It's weird to feel even keep rather than to just feel at certain moments.

Drawing Attention

I guess I draw attention.

I mean, I like having fun with people.

Tim Burton

Well, I sure seem interested in Tim Burton and his minions.

Tim Burton

Wow, Tim Burton sure is inviting with his "personal life" he uses as a tool.  It's funny he gets antsy when the time comes.  He seems mellow.

Chloë Moretz

So, why do other people talk to Chloë Moretz, like often, I realize other actors..  :/  I want to be an actor and am an accomplished person in all the arts in various communities.

Why, otherwise, would I be "expected" to Tweet her?  I do it and have fun.  :|

It was good for me.  Why should I be separated from moving up in the world.  It's the thing to do.  Technology.  Communication.  Hanging out with younger people who actually seem to have the same interests.


Chloë Moretz can chose to notice my posts and answer or react to them.  I posted somewhere, even hosted on my website, that my Tweets are not meant to be followed|responded to.  They were there for me to have fun collecting and writing to Tweets.  I would be happy to get attention, though, but don't expect|command it.


People think everything is suggestive now but don't know they could get insulted back.  They might think they're in the right and have people to defend them, but they'll find themselves upset.

Cursing at Me and Leaving Suggestive Signs

So, howcome all of a sudden people are rubbing in what seems like curse words and signs to me?  I didn't even do anything wrong.

Who I Am

So, why do people make me unaware of who I am?  Maybe, sometimes I don't feel well.

Processing Others's Thoughts

Howcome people think I won't process their thoughts?

Bothering Me...

Why do people keep fighting me and making a big deal over things, in order to hide their weakness?

Tweets to Chloë Moretz

Why aren't my Tweets on my past and present account to Chloë Moretz showing up?

Everything They Want

It seems like they do suddenly give one person everything they want just because they plotted around them.

Double Judgements

I guess people just idealize their wrong desires and judgements against innocent people together to make a decision.

Tim Burton

Tim Burton wants to pleasure people when he finds out someone else is not white, when he's usually pretty strict, like something will happen.

Tim Burton Listening to Helena Bonham Carter

I can tell Tim Burton has been listening to Helena Bonham Carter in how he puts matters aside and then puts on a super jolly spirit.  What happens then?

Tim Burton's Kids

So, Tim Burton is playing around with his kids's personalities to prove a point?  That he's going out of the way to show what he will do for the world?