Saturday, August 25, 2012


There was one where I was on vacation, though I can't remember what I was doing.

Next, I went to a place, a place that sells food, I think.  My dad was there, when we got back.  I had an assortments of desserts and didn't get fat!  I'd been having cake in the mornings with soup and Buffalo chicken strips.

Next, I got in a band next to a Korean girl.  I played quickly.  My dad was watching and was impressed.  I was playing a saxophone.  Like, I saw a few notes illustrated to be played by the Korean girl and played them.  Also, before that, I was getting out of a car.  I got up in the middle, too.

There was something scary in it when I was eating dessert, but I don't remember.  The place that sold food was rather kooky.

So, it was a morbid dream, me uncomfortable.  Maybe, I should have tried to go to sleep earlier, but I fared well and made some good posts online.

I was eating breakfast, woke up around 4:00 A.M. and got up around 5:50 A.M.  Now, I'm eating more!  You know, you're supposed to eat more in the morning and eat more small meals, like I did eat another meal soon after you've finished ... and then I last the day without going hungry and go to bed early.

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